Saturday, April 01, 2006

Too Much Love

Just reviewing some of my last few posts and have noticed that I overuse the word Love. Not that too much love is a bad thing. According to Webster (1828), love is "in a general sense to be pleased with; to regard with affection, on account of some qualities which excite pleasing sensations or desire of gratification."

"I Love Fridays"
"I love.. Tivo."
"I do love this [Tivo]."
"Don’t you love... a good week at work?"
"I love parody songs."

Webster continues, "we love whatever gives us pleasure and delight, whether animal or intellectual." So, it is true, I find pleasure in Fridays, because my family has scheduled date night. Tivo delights me because I can remove Ryan Seacreast.

A lawyer once asked a Jesus, "which is the great commandment in the law?" I have a commentary on this verse that explains how the Jews had divided the law up into "greater" and "lesser" laws, but I like to keep it simple. Why? Because Christ's answer was simple: "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind" and "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." The lawyer was thinking about this complex system of sacrifices, offerings, circumcisions, washings etc. But Christ was thinking of the ten commandments. If you love the Lord with all thy heart, the first five commandments will be covered. If you love your neighbor as yourself, the bottom five come naturally.

So, all of this to say that I will try and vary the words that I use.

1 comment:

Rick said...

feeling the love here, too, sir.