Rickwell posted about becoming an "untool" earlier this week at Good Coffee. I came across a verse today where Paul in encouraging the Corinthians to "make good on" their words:
2Co 8:10-11 And herein I give my advice: for this is expedient for you, who have begun before, not only to do, but also to be forward a year ago. Now therefore perform the doing of it; that as there was a readiness to will, so there may be a performance also out of that which ye have.
How often do I start my day with God with good intentions of prayer, bible study but find myself distracted by my electronic newspaper? With everything we dedicate ourselves to in life, their has to be action that accompanies our words. For me, I talk a lot about developing a "personal" relationship with Christ. Christianity differs from other religions because salvation is purely based on a relationship and not by any ritual. It is not me burning a sacrifice, performing community services or even fighting to keep the environment from going up in smoke. It is not about attending church, it is not about playing in the orchestra at said church. It is about a relationship. So, how can I place more importance on developing that relationship when there is so much around to distract me?
To quote a famous marketing campaign: Just Do It! Keep me in your prayers.
1 comment:
It is every believer's struggle, my friend. But struggling is what makes us stronger. I try to focus on "quality" time rather than "quantity of" time with God. He is pleased with you
no matter what.
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