I was diagnosed with Eustachian Tube Dysfunction (ETD, for those of you in the ENT business). Essentially, that little tube was remaining closed and not allowing for any drainage to occur. Fluid builds up, and I am assuming the ear drum can not vibrate correctly. I was given a prescription for Flonaze and recommended that I take Musinex DM. If it did not clear up by Monday, I received a referral to an Ear, Throat and Nose Specialist. Oh yes, I made that appointment toot-sweet.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, you never realize how much your hearing. I find it difficult to have conversations with people, watch TV or listen to music because it sounds like everyone is using a voice altering device to pitch their voice: musically speaking, it sounds like people are talking in thirds.
I heard somewhere that this same thing happened to... wait - I HEARD THE SAME THING HAPPENED TO VINCENT VAN GOGH. HOPE IT WORKS OUT BETTER FOR YOU, PAL.
At your (our) age, I understand ETD is much more preferable to ED.
Ah...I am feeling the love! ED Indeed.
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