Sunday, May 11, 2008

Newly Wed Game

Just got back from our small group tonight where we ditched our reading of a "God Centered Church" for a potluck dinner and a game. There is something that I like about the concept of small group – there is potential to really get to know people, to learn about their likes, dislikes, struggles, questions and doubts that I never got from the traditional Sunday School. The hard part though, is opening up…getting real and feeling comfortable to share our doubts about certain passages without feeling like you are going to get pounced on.

So tonight, we played one round of the Newly Wed game. Cindy and I didn't win, but we had a lot of laughs with our group. And, the group seemed to open up. I did remember the first significant gift that she gave me was the movie poster from Ghost. However, I described our first kiss as "garlicky" while she described it as sweet.

These types of activities are import in building a group because, once you start knowing each other on this level, you start to care for one another. You pray for each other on a different level and you follow up with each other. It doesn't become just another activity you do (Church, check, orchestra, check, small group, check) during the week.

And, it is nice to get past the façade that we sometimes put out just because we don't want to get hurt.

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