Thursday, January 28, 2010

Read Blogs? Get a Reader!

I went through several years of keeping all of my favorite blogs booked marked in one of “My Favorites” folder. I would simply wake up in the morning, grab some coffee and some cheerios and see what was going on in my little slice of the super highway.

Then, I noticed something called a blog reader. A blog reader, or aggregator, is a tool that is specifically designed for capturing data coming from a blog, or RSS feed. With it, not only can you keep up with your favorite sites, but, you can check out what is getting released this week at Netflix.

My current favorite is “Google Reader.” I like it because it is a web based reader. That way, when I am on vacation, I can still keep up. And, because it is from Google, you have excellent searching capabilities if you ever want to catch up again.

But be warned, my simple list of sites has grown! I can’t possibly read them all.

(HT to Marjie B. for the inspiration to write this)


Rick said...

Why didn't I think of that? :)

LJ said...

Wow. I cannot believe I learned a piece of software before you, dude.

Check out the Read It Later extension for Firefox, or at least check out the Google Reader keyboard shortcuts. Make one pass to flag things for reading later, then go back and read your flagged items.