Sunday, July 19, 2009

Annual Trip to Hamburg

Yesterday, we made the trek from south eastern Virginia to western New York. Not quite the road trip that Jay and Mike are making (cross country, in case you haven’t been following), but, still, it is quite the haul for a family of four.

This year we took our Pony Puller, which would be the Sequoia. It was fun this time because we were listening to Dave Ramsey AND driving in our paid for car that was achieved by following his advice.

We joked that when asked what kind of mileage we should have a funny response:

Miles? We prefer to measure in yards.


31….31,000 Yards to the Gallon.

This year, instead of talking about stopping at the Monroeville Mall, we actually did it. The mall is significant only in that it was “the mall” for Dawn of the Living Dead. Of course, it looked like a regular mall, and had a fairly lousy food court. However, the novelty was fun.

We arrived in town around 10:45 and enjoyed waking up this morning to a cool Western New York morning.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Six Years and Counting

Yesterday, the company that I work for recognized those of us who have been with the company for five years. It was actually six years for the ones being recognized, but that was because they did not have a town hall meeting (the venue where such recognitions take place).

Six years is a long time. I had turned thirty-five and was leaving a company that I had worked five years. During those six years, we have gone from nine people to over one-hundred (just in the development shop) and moved locations three times. I miss the days of nine people – it felt much more start up and there was this creative factor. There is still a lot of creativity, but, as a company we have grown up, and sometimes it feels that the creativity got stifled.

I also learned what I am best at doing. I was promoted all the way up to a Director level position. It did not work out for me, and I gave it up after a year and a half. I am at my best when I am learning and teaching and doing new stuff. I still have a manager title, but I am much more hands on the code.

Not wanting to predict the next five, but here’s hoping to see the company at 10.