Saturday, November 10, 2007

Meet the new member of the family



Rick said...

I think he favors you, Charles. Congratulations :).

LJ said...

Will you keep us posted on how long it takes to housebreak a horse?

George said...

You actually bought a used horse? I hope it was low mileage.

Chuck said...

Bandit is leased, so, technically, someone else holds the pink slips. If you've got an equinophilic itch that a few riding lessons won't scratch but can't pony up the cash for your own Mr. Ed, leasing may be the ticket. Horse leases grant riding privileges and one-on-one time sans the expense of buying the animal.

George said...

Wow, I was kidding. I can't believe you would lease your transportation after all your debt soapboxing. ;)

Seriously, WHEN are you coming to town? Rick and I were planning to do lunch again next Tuesday (11/20) and if you're in town...

Chuck said...

The difference is that a car goes down in value, and the only one who profits in the car fleece is, well, the financing company.

Don't get me started...