Friday, March 21, 2008

Good Friday

One of the Bryan traditions to start off the day is to circle up and say a prayer for the day. Cindy and I had started it long before the girls came along, and, as they have gotten older, they have become a part of it. Sure, the prayers are simple, but, it is another touch point before going off in various directions.

This also presents neat opportunities to read scripture without it feeling forced, or fake. This morning, I read John chapter 18 and 19 – The trial and execution of Jesus. For all the attention that Easter Sunday will get, sometimes we over look Good Friday. Without the crucifixion, there could be no resurrection. I do not tend to get overly emotional about things, but, for whatever reason, the magnitude of what was going on in these two chapters hit me like a ton of bricks. By the time we got to "It is finished" all four of us were crying.

What struck me most was the simplicity of what was happening. This simplicity contrasts with how complex I tend to make it. I know that John 3:16 is somewhat clich̩, but that is it Рthat is the Christian gospel.

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